About Flat priors

I am a pharmacometrician and software engineer working in San Francisco (at UCSF and two startups). What you’ll find here are musings on pharmacometrics, applied statistics, software engineering, and other random geeky topics I find interesting. The title of this blog attempts to capture it’s unassuming nature and my attempt to keep an open mind to new science and technology.

So… why a blog, exactly?

  • I like writing, and ‘practice makes perfect’, or in my case probably ‘slightly worse’ (but that doesn’t alliterate well)
  • Writing a blog is much more fun that writing journal articles.
  • I belief that many blogs (e.g. this one, and this one) have more direct and wide-spread impact on science than journal articles written by the same authors. Maybe not in a classical, high impact factor, peer-reviewed, gets-you-tenure kind of way, but more in an actual real-world sense. (Needless to say I wouldn’t dare compare this blog to those linked above).
  • I can’t cram my thoughts in 140 characters, sorry.


Ron Keizer

PS. Many tools I talk about here are available at my Github repos, at Pirana Software, or at InsightRX.
